Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118

Babywearing Walk
We went on a Babywearing walk today. That means you go for a nice walk and rather than pushing your bebe in a stroller you wear them on your body. This is good for three reasons, keeps Adeline warm, keeps her happy (because she's close to mama) and it gives mama more of a work out (caring around 20+lbs of Adeline on her front or back). Unfortunately it was not as warm as it has been lately, but we still made it and walked for quite some time...slower than we would have liked, but far more exercise than we get sitting on the couch at home ;) Adeline did enjoy the walk (contrary to the look on her face in the first picture)...but her favourite part was swinging on the swings at the park. Half way through our walk we came across a park so we stopped there as a mid point and let the kids play or eat and mamas got to talk and hang out. There were children being carried (or walking on their own) from age 2 months all the way to 10 years and there was quite a one point there were about 17 mamas and 27 kids. It was AWESOME!

*Hey I just noticed...I'm actually in one of my daily pictures for once or maybe this is twice now ;)

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