Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today was Daddy's Birthday!!! Adeline was super excited...she even wore a dress for the occasion (Daddy LOVES dresses, but Mommy never wears them). It was a good day. Kris' family came over for come coffee and brought his favourite Birthday desert, cheese cake!!! And it was delectable!

Snow Fun!
Along with a little party Daddy got to go outside and chip away at the skating rink we have for a sidewalk in front of our house. But at least the weather was perfect for some outside time! So after Adeline got up from her afternoon nap she and I went out to help, or shall I say supervise Daddy's work. Adeline was intrigued by the snow as well. She didn't move, nor make a noise; she just sat there taking it in whipping her head back and forth to watch the cars pass on by. It was funny to see her sit on the snow camouflaged from the rest of the world...only her cute as a button face poking out!

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