Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 164

Silly Baby
One of you new favourite things to do is stand up in your crib. I have to actually pull you up into the standing position, but once you are there there is just no stopping you! Often when you wake up from a nap you are a bit sad...but as soon as I stand you up you are smiling, laughing and jumping up and down with happiness. This picture almost made me pee my pants with laughter this evening...I love how silly you look.

Silly story...after Daddy got you all ready for bed this evening and I came in to say good night to you, I was trying to get a kiss from you and you wanted NOTHING to do with it! Then all of a sudden you turned your mouth towards me and opened up for a big one, so I puckered up and got a huge belch right in the face! It was Classic! I didn't want to rile you up right before bed, but I could not control the laughter...thank goodness you still went to sleep rather quickly.

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